Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Social Anxiety Vs Self-Confidence

By Kenneth L. Johnson

Social anxiety disorder treatment is a subject that few seem to want to talk about openly with their friends just in case their friends think they have flipped!Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) creates intense feelings of fear in almost any social settings, in particular, when a person is "put under the spotlight" in an unfamiliar situation, or when they feel that at are being closely observed or scrutinized by others. Feeling what others may be thinking of you, or perhaps that you don't belong in certain situations, is a quite common experience.

While counseling with people, I attempt to coach them to see the brilliance that I see from my perspective. My challenge is to help them to identify the misconceptions in our lives and uncover those brilliant qualities within. When this process is accomplished I feel like a very lucky duck. Though it may seem very easy to go through this process, it is tricky to understand. Uncovering your internal brilliance may be simple, however, it isn't done easily. If I were to look at the clients I counsel as broken and screwed up, I wouldn't be able to help them be anything different.

This irrational phobia causes sufferers to constantly worry about embarrassing themselves by doing or saying the wrong thing, or simply not fitting into a certain group of people. Actions such as eating or drinking in public, speaking to groups, going on dates, being the center of attention for whatever the reason, having to use public restrooms, and asking questions become almost impossible, eliciting many anxiety symptoms. Even talking on the telephone is a known trigger for those suffering from severe social anxiety, with texting and email a much more preferred method of communication. All of this affects a person's ability to lead a normal life, and can be accompanied by other psychological conditions such as depression, low self esteem and others.

Treating Social Anxiety Disorder.Anyone whose fears of interacting with others, or of social situations has prevented them from doing things is experiencing social phobia and should look into treatment for it. Humans, by our very nature, are at least semi-social creatures, so being able to right this can be extremely helpful to aid sufferers in regaining a normal, productive lifestyle.Social anxiety is detectable in individuals - with a higher prevalence in females - from very early on, sometimes as young as only a few years of age; the typical onset is in early teenhood, however. Most people endure the condition for ten years or more before they are diagnosed and begin any kind of therapy, too, which can be devastating when happening throughout the teen and young adult years. There is also a high percentage of sufferers who do not get diagnosed at all, and continue to suffer. Therefore, it is important for either sufferers themselves, or the people around them, to take the symptoms of social anxiety seriously.The two main ways in which social anxiety disorders are treated are with psychotherapy, and with medications. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most widely used therapy in training people to overcome their social anxiety in teaching them to change their thoughts when they begin to feel their anxiety kicking in. It is frequently combined with exposure therapy, where repeated exposure to triggers is used to help condition the sufferer's reaction. These types of therapy can be ongoing as needed, depending on the individual and any other anxiety disorders they may also be dealing with.

The CBT helps in:Replacing all social anxiety triggers with positive thoughts leading to more stability in life,Learn ways to control all physical symptoms of social anxiety with various relaxation techniques and breathing exercises,Face various social situations in a systematic way, instead of avoiding them.Group therapy,Group therapy is a social anxiety disorder treatment which is sometimes used within CBT and includes observing, videotaping, acting, and even mock interviews in situations that people find anxious in the real world.

You're not alone when it comes to suffering from anxiety. You probably feel that you're the only one who goes red or chokes up if you have to talk to someone. The biggest step to take when trying to overcome anxiety is the first, the first step is realising there is a problem and then searching for answers to deal with it. By reading this article and similar you are already on to the path of overcoming social anxiety.Here are few techniques that you can use straight away to help prevent and handle your anxiety.

Secondly, in these situations, a person suffering from social anxiety will not be able to rid themselves of worry and doubt. Their cheeks may burn, conversations may seem stunted and awkward and they might seem on edge. They probably often wonder how to overcome social anxiety.Many more people in the world suffer from a social anxiety disorder. Some may only feel anxious in certain situations, say giving a speech, while others feel a more general anxiety in a variety of situations that are socially related. It is common for sufferers to be aware of their issue but not be able to stop it.How To Overcome Social Anxiety,You'd be happy to know that there is an answer for how to deal with your anxiety. There are several options. Much of it involves the mind and how a person thinks about a particular situation. This is why hypnosis can be might be a solution or a starting point for someone with social anxiety.

Try to balance the inhale and exhale process of breathing and take deep breaths. You can consciously slow your breathing down even though your thoughts are creating you to breathe quickly. Just by recognising that your starting to feel anxious, tell yourself to slow your breathing down. Just by doing this you will feel better and divert your thoughts.

This is proven by body language. If you really like someone then you will hold your body is toward the person. If you don't like the person you will naturally turn yourself away from them. These thoughts create subtle changes in our body language.By changing your thinking habits from negative thoughts to positive thoughts, you can start to overcome your anxiety. By changing the movies and pictures you create in your mind your body will start to react in the same positive way. You can also consciously change the way you hold yourself to feel better.

Try this exercise now. Sit up straight, sit up so that you have perfect posture. Now think of someone with massive confidence and authority and copy the way they would sit. Did you notice your shoulder go back a little and your chest came out a bit? Think of something funny you remember. How do you feel? Great, right? By shying away from your social anxiety your body will act like a servant to your thoughts. Start to pan your day in the morning by seeing the day going perfectly, see yourself handling social situations and you gaining more and more confidence.Social anxiety affects most of us and those who are not affected by it have learned how to handle social situations. There thought process is totally different to yours, they're not afraid of what people mights say, they don't care of being judged they happy within themselves. Do these people ever find themselves in uncomfortable embarrassing situations? No, because they're not thinking about them.

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