Friday, September 13, 2013

A Must Read List Of Law Of Attraction Books And They Are Free

By Cecelia C. Dawson

Are you using a Dream Book to help you manifest your desires? This powerful law of attraction tool can dramatically increase your manifesting ability and keep you on track toward those things that you want to attract into your life.A Dream Book is one of the top law of attraction tools that you can use on a daily basis to help you manifest your desires. Not only is a Dream Book a great way to help you stay focused on your desires, but it will also help you refine and zero in on your specific wants.

You may ask, how can I save money on these LOA books. Well, virtually every decent LOA book is available for free as an eBook download. All you need is to download one of the free PDF reader programs. To find these free Ebooks, just do a Google search for the particular book title along with the term free PDF. For example if you are looking for Acres of Diamonds, in the Google search you would just enter: Acres of Diamonds free PDF and hit search. You will get a whole list of websites that offer this self improvement classic for free download. Some of the websites may require you to register but, many times you will also find sites that do not require registration. If you need to register, I would recommend that you set up an alternate email account so that your primary account does not get inundated with a ton of advertising emails. Google's Gmail service works very well and it is a free service.

How to Make Your Own.Start with a three ring binder. These give you a lot of flexibility. You can add pocket pages for brochures and over-size items, and you can also use clear sheet protectors if you want to save something without punching holes in it.Now, begin collecting images and words that clearly represent those things that you want to manifest or create in your life and put them on pages in your Dream Book. You can find pictures in magazines or you can look for pictures on the internet that you can use. Don't overlook inspiring or motivating phrases either! Cut them out too and paste them into your Dream Book.

It is important to be as specific as possible when putting things into your Dream Book, so don't put a picture of a red sports car in your book if what you really want is a blue sports car!Your Dream book is also a fantastic place to keep any notes or ideas that you have that are related to your dreams. Store your master list of goals that you want to accomplish in here too. That way you'll always be able to refer to it when working with our dreams.How you set up your Dream book is up to you. You might use a single page or section for each different dream, or you may prefer to make a collage of all your different desires.

Huge numbers of people were attracted to the principles popularized by the book and the film. The idea of success in finances, health and relationships were too good to resist. But a large number of people also became disappointed when they could not see the results in their lives that they were hoping for.If you are one of them, you already know how frustrating that could be. You are first exposed to a new idea that sounds too good to be true. You then overcome your initial disbelief and start to believe the idea with all your heart. But contrary to your expectations, the laws don't seem to work for you.

What could be wrong here? Is not a law supposed to work uniformly everywhere, for everyone, at all times? Why is it that the law seems to work extremely well for a few people, while it doesn't seem to work for others no matter how hard they try? There is a tiny book called "It Works" which explains why people find it difficult to implement the Law of Attraction. The book states that one of the reasons this happens is because the concepts are not presented to people in a way that they could understand easily. Quite often, the principles are made to sound too complicated when they really are not.

Looking for a new book by The Secret guru Bob Proctor? Bob Proctor's latest offering is a new program called The 11 Forgotten Laws, which takes the law of attraction to a whole new level.Bob Proctor's own life is a study in using the law of attraction for manifesting the life you want. Born poor, a high school dropout, he turned his life around within a year when he read Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich book. He began working for Earl Nightingale, and now travels the world teaching the law of attraction secrets.Strictly speaking, The 11 Forgotten Laws isn't a book, it's a six-hour series of audio files in MP3 format accompanied by a PDF transcript and workbook. You can listen to the audio on your computer, or can take it with you on any MP3 player.

If you've been working with the law of attraction, and felt that the material was incomplete, Bob Proctor reveals that there's much more you need to know, and he reveals it all in The 11 Forgotten Laws. He admits that "The Secret" is "pop culture fluff" and is just touching on the huge potential of the law of attraction.

All too often we buy a book, read it and wait for miraculous transformations. It just doesn't work that way. For a system or principle to work for you, you must absorb it. You must practice the techniques until they are a part of your being, melted into your sub-conscious mind.In terms of Law of Attraction books, The Science of Success by Wallace Wattles has no superior! Wattle's writings are head and shoulders above the rest. I always try to find the "roots" of a system and read directly from there. I do that because in general, the farther back you go in time, the closer you are to the uncorrupted message. And one of the roots to The Secret is Wattles writings.

Wow, was I wrong about this material. To say I was shocked is an understatement. In the first half hour of listening to the audio, I discovered a brilliant new way of "thinking" which I now put to use every day, and which has built my confidence and is helping me to build a new business.Each time I listen I learn something new, and something I want to put into practice as soon as possible.Therefore, if you're looking for a new law of attraction book by Bob Proctor, I strongly recommend The 11 Forgotten Laws, especially if you've been disappointed with the results you're getting from The Secret.

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