Saturday, September 14, 2013

Books That Will Change Your Life

By Ewald Moors

Modeling With NLP.This is a great book that changes minds. It is about the connection between the words we speak and our way of world perception. As soon as I have read this book I felt like I'm the God or like I can do just anything I want. This book describes easy but powerful techniques of reframing your mind. For real. I thought I became a magician or something. Anything is possible.The Wheel Of Time: The Shamans Of Mexico Their Thoughts About Life Death And The Universe.This small book made a great impact on me. It is a collection of the essential ideas of other Carlos Castaneda's books. I first read it when I was 6000 miles away from home and it changed me forever. It totally put me upside down changing my beliefs about people, our world and the universe.

Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai.This book was written by one real samurai from Japan and is a collection of laws that real samurais should follow. The depth and the philosophy of these laws really astonish.Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time.Keith Ferrazzi is a great person who wrote a book about his philosophy of connecting people with one another. He has got a website and a big community of followers. Keith helps people and never refuses to to do it. He wrote a letter of recommendation for me.

The book is a compilation of incredible essays by individuals such as The Dalai Lama, Paul McCartney, Willie Nelson, Helen Thomas, Oliver Stone, Martina Navratilova, Stella McCartney, Russell Simmons, Brigitte Bardot, Moby, Kevin Bacon, Sean Astin and many others. Each individual gives an account of a moment in their life when they realized that their world goes beyond their arm's reach. The moment they realize that they can make a difference.The moment they realize there's work to be done.The author of the book is Ingrid Newkirk. If you're an animal lover extraordinaire (welcome to the club!), you probably recognize her name as the president of PETA. I've long admired this woman's commitment and boldness. As someone who is about as bold as a 2 day old kitten on a good day, I admire boldness. Ingrid Newkirk's got it in spades.I'll be the first to admit that there have been times when I thought PETA went too far. But, really, isn't that better than not going at all? Most animal lovers would say, "Yes."

One Can Make a Difference includes stories of men and women who have changed their corner of the world for the better. There's the inspiring, motivating story of the woman who saved a young elephant from the carnival circuit, then went on to create an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee. You would be unable to count the number of elephants lives she has saved and the needless suffering she has ended.There are stories of individuals who are helping to feed the hungry, people who are actively trying to save the environment, and angels of mercy who are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to make the world a better place for as many people as possible.

The Fifth Best Motivational Book: Your Best Life Now.And finally, let me present to you Your Best Life Now. Joel Osteen is a pastor, but even if you're not Christian, his book is a wonderful source of good advice and motivational tips. His book is simple and would be a wonderful companion to just about anybody.When it comes to the best motivational books, everyone has an opinion. These are the books that made it to my list and I'm sure that you have your own set, too. I hope that these can help you live a better life.

You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay": The quintessential 'bible' for creating miracles in your life has got to be Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life. A groundbreaking book when it was released in 1982. It is still the book that I turn to when I have a physical ailment that requires deeper understanding. Louise Hay is the pioneer in looking at the connection between the physical ailments that we have in our body and the emotional connection. At the time that she wrote the book many people scoffed at this idea; it is now considered 'mainstream' knowledge that millions of people refer to on a daily basis.

Now, I don't want you to think that all that you eat on this diet is raw carrots and leaves. The Paleo Recipe Book has made it so incredibly easy for busy people to make tasty, delicious and easy meals for any time of the day. Some examples of the great recipes provided are:Paleo Pizza,Spaghetti,Waldorf Salad,Apple and Fennel Salad,Sweet Potato Chips,Double Chocolate Chip Cookies and much much more!

Don Failla teaches things that are famous now, such as the "Ten Napkin Presentations". He is famous for coining the phrase "sizzle sessions" that is now very common in the sales world. Don Failla is viewed as a master in the MLM industry, and many people have considered his book and his teachings as "must haves". Many people love this title, The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life Audio, because it is a simple read. Again, with many books and other forms of media on the market that teach people to jump through hoops, and that blow their minds with information, many MLM sales people want information that is simple to understand, and simple to imply. Again, this is a product for those who might need to learn the basics, or for those who have tried the other methods, and that simply want to go back to the basics in their sales and recruiting approach.

However, I don't want you to think that this is just a "results vary" kind of diet and that you are most likely not going to make any progress with your health and weight. Sure, some people may take a few extra weeks to start seeing results but you WILL see results and that is all that matters.Matt from Chula Vista California said, "I was kind of leery at first, not really knowing if I was going to get a really good cookbook, or a collection of recipes with weird ingredients that I would never use. Much to my surprise, I got an excellent cookbook that I use all the time. Such great recipes as Moroccan Chicken, Salmon Fish Cakes, Omelet Muffins, BBQ Grilled Lamb Kebobs, just to name a few that I've tried & loved. Simply put, if you're going to ditch the SAD diet & get back to a more natural way of eating, then the 'Paleo Recipe Book' is a must have!"

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