Saturday, September 14, 2013

Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

By Sharon R. Upchurch

The Power of the Subconscious Mind is a motivational classic written by Dr Joseph Murphy. After so many years, this book is still relevant in today's context; more so in today's world where we are so stressed up and feel pessimistic of our current economic and political situation.This book explores the hidden potential in each and everyone of us. It assures readers that, you should never feel despair. You will recognize the hidden power that is all along within you. When you learn how to harness and apply this power, you will know how to overcome all your negative thoughts and emotions. You will have the confidence towards life and pursue what you understand deep in your heart, is the best for you in life. These include gaining your financial abundance, developing a cordial relationship with everyone and building a healthy body.

Up till the age of 6, the conscious part of your brain is non-existent. In a practical sense; everything you are being told becomes a truth to you. This is why babies born into Christian families often become Christians; babies born into Muslim families often become Muslims and so on. It also explains why I had the belief that my mothers face would be skewed if I didnt hug her on both cheeks. A pretty ridiculous belief, dont you think? Working as a sales coach, I have come to the conclusion that most people base their beliefs on their results. Today, I asked one of my employees what she thought was her average number of orders per hour. Her more or less instant reply was 13. She had been working on my team for about a week, so it was easy to do the math:

This is where the power of your subconscious mind can help you. Your subconscious mind is the other part of your mind that gifts you with the answer when you are in need - from the more subtle side of you. Your subconscious mind is the potential that is deep within you that when you learn to relax and clear your mind. She never fails to understands and acknowledges your intention. Your subconscious mind will then give you the solution that represents the first or subsequent steps that will guide you towards solving your problems at hand.

Some psychologists characterize the subconscious as nave and child-like,with no awareness of good and bad, right and wrong. This definition explains why we persist in unhealthy habits, such as overeating and smoking. Logically, we know these habits are destructive, but we feel compelled to do them anyway because the subconscious seeks only instant pleasure and gratification. Being child-like, this version of the subconscious doesn't understand the difference between real and imaginary,thus the theory that the subconscious mind can be influenced by story-telling, guided imagery, and visualization.Other theorists describe the subconscious as a source of wisdom and healing,an inner genie that grants insight, intuition, spiritual guidance, and recovery from illness. To those who believe in metaphysics, the subconscious mind is a direct connection to the universal creative mind that brings ideas into physical reality.With its many attributes, perhaps it's no wonder hypnotherapists and psychologists seek to engage the subconscious to help their clients toward self-improvement. One stated purpose of hypnosis, in fact, is to "bypass the conscious mind," in an effort to reach the part of the mind that holds the key to real, lasting change, healing, and motivation.

The question remains; how do we steer this autopilot to different results? Lets take money as an example here and lets say we never have any money left at the end of the month, which was my problem for years. Linking cause and effect, that comes from the belief that I never have any money left at the end of the month, which is a belief based on results. Just like my employee believes she delivers an average of 1 order per hour. We change this belief through repetition, mixed with faith. What we want to do is replace the old belief with a new belief that says; I always have money left at the end of the month. As stated in a previous section of this article, the subconscious mind cannot distinguish the difference between reality and imagination. So if we start telling ourselves that I always have money left at the end of the month and starts to believe that its true, it will eventually be considered a truth to our subconscious mind.

The Dream Weaver: Hypnotherapists believe that the subconscious remains active during sleep, processing the events and emotions of the day via dreams, while the conscious mind rests.The Connection to Cosmic Consciousness: In sleep, meditation, quiet contemplation, or prayer, and sometimes in what some have described as a blinding flash of enlightenment and insight, the subconscious opens up a link, an interface, to universal knowledge and understanding. The result might be a religious conversion, an epiphany, innovation and invention, a solution to a previously unsolvable problem, or a miraculous and spontaneous healing.The Inner Spirit and Higher Wisdom: There are those who say that the subconscious is very much a part of our spiritual nature,the essence of God, the kingdom of heaven, within ourselves.Accessing the Subconscious.By accessing your subconscious, you might become more creative, intuitive, healthier, and insightful, with more control over thoughts, emotions, habits, and motivation. It doesn't happen overnight. This level of self-understanding, mental discipline and personal empowerment can take years to develop. Yet, there are ways to facilitate the process. Begin with the intention to increase your awareness of your subconscious and establish a communication with it, and cultivate a desire to learn what it can teach you.

How the Subconscious Mind Communicates.The subconscious mind communicates its guidance in often unexpected and creative ways. That communication might be an intuitive hunch, a flash of insight, or a creative idea. It might be a dream or an image, seemingly irrelevant at first, yet, after a while one that begins to make sense. Some say the subconscious is that still, small voice within that speaks to us in quiet moments of curiosity, wonder, awe, or reflection. Sometimes the subconscious mind warns us of danger or threat with a sensation,a tightening in the stomach, a chill down the spine, a feeling of physical discomfort. I have often had the experience that when I am searching for something I've misplaced, I get an intuitive push to look in a certain place, and I usually find the lost item.Strengthen Your Connection.To increase your connection to the subconscious and foster its participation in your daily life, turn off the radio, the computer, the television and put down the magazine and the newspaper and take time for quiet, solitary reflection. Here are a few more recommendations.Get comfortable listening to your own thoughts and traveling your interior landscape. Stop thinking of everything you have to do and all the things you worry about and communicate with your inner spirit. Learn to occasionally exist fully in the moment. Figure out who you are, what your life is all about, and what brings you fulfillment and inner peace. Think deeply about these things and perhaps your inner wisdom will begin to listen and guide you to conclusions.

For example, when you first learn to drive a car, you are consciously aware of everything you are doing. But when you have trained your subconscious mind to drive, you will drive a car automatically - you may not even be aware that you look in your mirror before changing lanes, or that you put your indicator on when turning, or that you change gears, or that you put the clutch down when you change the gears.

Furthermore, when you drive your car a certain route repeatedly, then, eventually, you will not even have to think about where you are going when driving this route - it is almost as if the car drives itself. However, it is because the route is programmed into your subconscious mind that you do not need to pay attention to where you are going; you will drive to your destination automatically.We operate on whatever thought patterns we have installed. Therefore, our subconscious minds are programmable, and our subconscious programming is determined by our habitual thoughts. How aware of your habitual thoughts are you? How often do you identify those gloomy thoughts and replace them with uplifting ones? How often do you listen to your emotions? How often do you analyse your behaviour?

Affirmations: Get into the habit of positive thinking about the things you are accomplishing in your life. Affirmations are the "slogans" you say to yourself that keep you optimistic and focused on your goals, and motivated to achieve them.Focused thinking and visualization: Take some time each day to dwell on your future. Visualize that you are accomplishing your goals and dreams.Prayer: Become a co-creator of your own reality, by meditating and conversing with the Deity, according to your spiritual beliefs. Ask for guidance, affirm that your needs and wants are satisfied, and express gratitude.Perhaps Dr. Joseph Murphy sums up the ideas in this article best in his writings:You can bring into your life more power, more wealth, more health, more happiness and more joy by learning to contact and release the hidden power of your subconscious mind... Within your subconscious depths lie infinite wisdom, infinite power, and infinite supply of all that is necessary, which is waiting for development and expression... Your subconscious mind takes the orders you give it based on what the conscious mind believes and accepts as true... Remember, your subconscious mind does not engage in proving whether your thoughts are good or bad, or true or false, but it responds according to the nature of your thoughts. (From: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Prentice-Hall, 1963)

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